In Love With Life

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash.

A colleague shared a funny thread from Twitter about a proposed drinking game for virtual meetings. The idea is that when you attend an online conference, you take a drink every time you hear current buzzwords, such as the following: 
  • social distancing
  • new normal
  • pivot
  • challenging times
  • unprecedented
  • nimble

I confess that I've been stuck in a cynical rut. Back in March, a radiation oncologist with whom I closely work said that she's seen COVID-19 bring out the best in people. Three months later, which feels like a lifetime later, I have days where I burn with frustration, and I think the opposite. My drinking game would include words such as:
  • willful ignorance
  • blind loyalty
  • selfish
  • maddening
  • unreasonable

My heart has been broken time and time again by denial of climate change and by the refusal by leaders and lawmakers to take sufficient action to mitigate and/or reverse it. Money always seems to win in the argument against humanity. Lately, what's added to that heartbreak is seeing people refuse to wear masks and seeing people wishing to sacrifice the wellbeing of others for the sake of returning to personal conveniences. We weren't even a month into lockdowns and people were protesting without masks on, screaming about the need to reopen. "Christians" argued that God didn't design us to wear masks or live in fear, and that faith in God will protect you from deadly viruses. A global pandemic (and global climate change) is considered a hoax by many.

During my darkest moments, I question if I made the right decision to bring a child into a world so careless and heartless. But as soon as I lock eyes with him, I feel full of life and motivated to keep working to give him the brightest future possible.

I've seen a lot of people get new pets during quarantine. With two cats and a one-year-old, the last thing I need is another pet! But it made me wonder about the reason so many are getting an additional furry friend, and I think that maybe it's to invite more life into their space. I can get a boost by playing with my kid or my cats. Online worship and Zoom meetings when I can visit with friends and family in different states and on different continents is a connection that lifts my spirits. When I pay attention to the present moments and drink in the life I'm privileged to still have at this moment, I hold onto that feeling and try not to look too far ahead into the future.

Yesterday, in my morning yoga practice, the instructor stated an affirmation to repeat throughout practice: "I am in love with life."

If we can find ways to stay in love with life, I think that can get us through our storms.
